The care and training of a young gymnast

I wish I had started this blog a while back. At that time I had no clue my youngest daughter would have the drive to be a gymnast. I just knew I couldn't contain her energy and needed an outlet for it's release. Hopefully this blog will be helpful to others that have a kid interested in gymnastics.

As I am a single disabled parent, money's been tight and this sport is not cheap. The commitment of financial resources, time and energy for the parent can be as demanding as the physical demands placed on the athelete.

This blog is created for all the unsung heroes behind that future medalist, the parent.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Emily made it to Level 5!

This past weekend 7-9-11, there was a mock meet at TIGAR complete with Jana Prochazka (Colorado State Judging Director), and Carol Bunge (brevet judge & USAG Region 3 Technical Chairman.)complete with USAG applied scoring.

Emily's level 5 scores were Vault 7.9, Bars 7.9, Beam 7.3 and Floor 8.5. The judges scored all of the girls very hard, but they also gave them pointers on what they were looking for. They also went over what the deductions were for each fault. I think all of the girls did rather well and for the $25.00 fee, it was WELL WORTH IT! Last year during Emily's level 4 season, they also had a mock meet, with just Jana. I am so happy that I have been able to have Emily at TIGAR.